Section: New Results

A new experimental platform for the Technological Research Institute (NanoElec)

Participants : Mathias Perrollaz, Nicolas Turro, Jean-François Cuniberto.

Within the framework of the PERFECT projet (founded by the IRT NanoElec), e-Motion has developped a new experimental platform, based on a Renault Zoe electrical vehicule (Fig. 7 ). This developpement takes advantage of the experience developped for creating the previous experimental plateform (a Lexus LS600H), and go further by integrating more sensors and more functionalities.

The vehicle is eqquipped with:

  • 4 IBEO LUX laser scanners. Each of them scans 4 layers with a field of view of 85 degrees.

  • one Velodyne HD64L 3D laser scnanner, capable of scanning 64 layers over 360 degrees.

  • one trinocular stereo camera, Point Grey Bumblebee XB3, placed behind the windshield.

  • 2 Ueye RGB cameras, looking forward and backward the vehicle.

  • one XSens IMU/GPS sensor, used for positionning and ego-motion estimation.

  • one ITRI 802.11p on-board unit, allowing V2X communication.

All the synchronization, display, play/record, and developpments capabilities are relying on the ROS middleware. The vehicle is fully operationnal at the end of 2014.

The vehicle is designed for experimenting in both ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and autonomous driving applications. In parallel, V2X communications are installed on the IRT "smart city" environment, so that the vehicle can evolve on this site and interact with it.

Figure 7. The Zoe experimental platform.